Mediterranean food

The Mediterranean diet was not developed by researchers in scientific laboratories.Mediterranean slimming foodsThis nutrition program has evolved over the centuries and is a heritage of different cultures and civilizations. And this is not just a nice word. In 2013, UNESCO listed the Mediterranean Diet as an Intangible Human Cultural Heritage. In addition, the UN acknowledges that, no matter how strange it sounds, this diet is almost extinct.

What is the Mediterranean diet

Probably, many now remember the crispy French baguette with cheese, Italian pizza, pasta, wine and a little surprised. Somehow, this product doesn’t fit in with the usual things we hear about healthy eating. In addition, it is difficult to imagine that a rich diet can serve as a prevention of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even useful for weight loss.

I have to admit that there is nothing surprising in this state of awe. In fact, the traditional Mediterranean diet (actually the nutrition system taken by UNESCO under its wing) each year bears a resemblance to the way locals eat in the Mediterranean. This food is based on the nutritional principles followed by the grandparents of modern Italians and their neighbors. For the past 50 years, the diet of the Mediterranean population has also fallen under the influence of globalization.

What constitutes a diet

Mediterranean diet food

Originally, the Mediterranean diet was a set of foods that the poor of the region could afford. That is, this is food that people can collect in their gardens, fish in the sea and prepare nutritious meals that are cheap from it.

Traditional Mediterranean food consists of the following food groups:

  • vegetable foods (fruits, vegetables);
  • whole wheat bread, cereals;
  • olive oil;
  • Fish and seafood.

Cereals and bread

About 55-60% of the total energy value of the diet is provided by foods from this group. At all times, cereals have become an important part of the diet of the Mediterranean population. In their diet, these foods are a major source of carbohydrates, as well as many vitamins and minerals. In the most ancient times, under the influence of Egypt, wheat came to the Mediterranean and became one of the main crops. Soon, the diet was expanded with rice and corn. But traditionally wheat and barley come into the menu, and wheat is used as animal feed. Thanks to cereal dishes, the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, and digestive organs.

Olive oil

This product is considered a feature of the Mediterranean diet. It is a major source of healthy fats, vitamins A and E, oleic acid, phenolic compounds. It is olive oil that makes this food unique and beneficial for the body. Scientific research confirms that regular use of the product can protect against heart disease, dementia, olive oil serves as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, this product makes the Mediterranean diet healthy for the skin and internal organs.

Vegetables and legumes

legumes and vegetables for the Mediterranean diet

Vegetables and Legumes Another important component of this ancient food system was vegetables. They serve as an excellent source of fiber, large amounts of vitamins, micro and macro elements, essential oils and phytocomponents. And legumes, which have been grown in the region since ancient times, are a storehouse of vegetable protein.

The presence of a large number of vegetables makes the diet useful for all organs and systems in the human body. A large number of traditional Mediterranean fruits have significant medicinal properties. This product category is useful for losing weight, lowering cholesterol, regulating the digestive system, maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora, and improving the cardiovascular system. Vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins prevent anemia, strengthen the immune system, have antibiotic, antiviral and anti-cancer properties.

Fruit and honey

The temperate Mediterranean climate allows a wide variety of fruits to be grown in the region. Grapes, pears, figs, dates, pomegranates, apples, quince, oranges and many other fruits are very popular among the coastal population. The researchers suggest that the Mediterranean tradition of ending each meal with a fruit dessert has Greek roots. A useful delicacy for the people of the region is honey. This storehouse of nutrients was borrowed from the Egyptians centuries ago. But traditionally in the Mediterranean, it is eaten in small portions and not every day.

Wine and wine

Red wine is one of the ingredients recognized by the traditional Mediterranean diet. Residents of the region at all times love and always drink wine rich in phytocomponents. And as confirmed by the results of modern studies, this product in moderation is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, immunity, as well as for the prevention of anemia and cancer. By the way, in ancient times in the Mediterranean, grapes were used in a different way than today. Previously, it was customary to dilute this divine drink with water and add honey and spices into it.

Today it is allowed to drink 1-2 glasses of drink a day.

Fish and seafood

seafood for the Mediterranean diet

Fish, seafood and seaweed have been staple foods for coastal people since time immemorial. They have served mankind for centuries as a healthy source of iodine, vitamin D, fats and proteins. But if before they used mainly fresh fish, today it is increasingly replaced from food with canned food and less useful semi -finished products.

Meat in the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is not a food where meat is the main source of protein. Products from this category do not often appear in the menu, if any. As a rule, red meat is very rarely eaten in the Mediterranean, and, as a rule, in the form of traditional ham. Besides him, skinny food birds sometimes appear on the table.

Health benefits

The true Mediterranean food system is based on the dietary traditions of 13 countries located on the coast. This food system has been followed for centuries in Italy, Greece, Spain, southern France and the Balkans, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria. But it was only in the 1960s that researchers drew attention to the fact that the population of the Mediterranean region tended to suffer from heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. In addition, their lifespan is much longer. Apparently, the reason for this phenomenon lies in the special diet followed by locals. Beginning in the second half of the twentieth century, researchers from around the world began to study more seriously the characteristics of this nutritional system and its effects on the human body.

The traditional Mediterranean diet consists of large amounts of fresh fruit, fish, olive oil, which, combined with physical activity, has a beneficial effect on health.

Prevent cardiovascular disease

The neglect of red meat for seafood, the use of olive oil, large amounts of fresh vegetables, fruits and a bit of red wine make the Mediterranean diet very healthy for the heart and blood vessels. Observing this nutritional system can prevent hypertension, atherosclerosis, lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, prevent excessive blood clotting, as well as the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, nutrition according to the Mediterranean system improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.

Supports energy

retirees in the Mediterranean diet

Many people notice the fact that retirees from Mediterranean countries look pretty good at their age and lead a very active lifestyle. Researchers associate it with proper nutrition. The traditional foods of these people are rich in a variety of nutrients that serve as a good source of energy and also support muscle tone.

Increase life expectancy

These benefits are closely linked to other benefits of diet - the ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Research evidence confirms that those who follow the Mediterranean Nutrition Program are 20% more likely to experience sudden death.

Preventing Alzheimer's and Degenerative Diseases

This nutritional system helps improve the cognitive function of the brain, reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers attribute it to the consumption of large amounts of olive oil and nuts, which have antioxidant properties, increase blood flow to the brain, improve its function. In addition, the Mediterranean diet has neuroprotective properties, making it an effective defense against stroke, peripheral neuropathy, and brain dysfunction.

This food system is considered very beneficial for the elderly, as well as for people with low stress tolerance.

Protects Against Respiratory Diseases

Recently, researchers are increasingly finding evidence that the Mediterranean diet is a good way to boost immunity, as well as protect against lung infections and respiratory diseases. Studies show that this diet is very beneficial for smokers, because special foods prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Reduces the risk of cancer

The Mediterranean diet reduces the development of cancer

This is one of the most well -known benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Scientific evidence shows that eating these foods can prevent several types of cancer, including stomach, colon, and breast cancers.

Protecting Against Diabetes

The superiority of fiber-rich vegetables in the diet makes them beneficial for diabetes prevention. Dietary fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, eating according to this scheme is beneficial for people who already suffer from diabetes, as it lowers cholesterol concentrations, improves blood circulation, and prevents capillary fragility.

Other useful features:

  • improve the function of the thyroid gland;
  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • prevent rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults;
  • increase bone mineralization.

Is it possible to lose weight on this diet

Studies show that people who follow the Mediterranean diet, as well as exercise, do not have problems with being overweight. And all this because this system is based on the principles of proper and healthy nutrition.

The basic rule of the Mediterranean diet is to eat small and small portions. The main focus is on fiber -rich plant foods and proteins, which are beneficial for fat burning and muscle gain. A large number of Mediterranean recipes are healthy mixes of meat and plant foods, and contain a minimum of harmful additives and sugars. Another advantage of this nutritional system is that it drinks plenty of fluids. Following a diet, you must drink at least 6 glasses of concentrated and still water daily. And water, as you know, is the best helper to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins.

Nutritionists have created a stricter weight loss diet based on the Mediterranean diet. For example, there is the Three Soups diet, the essence of which is to use one of the traditional Mediterranean diet soups for lunch and dinner for a certain time (from a week to 21 days): gazpacho, minestrone or pesto. In addition to soups, during the period of weight loss, you can include fish, low-fat cottage cheese, poultry and many vegetables in the menu. And I must say that the reviews on this diet are only positive.

Facts and myths about the Mediterranean diet

bean dishes for the Mediterranean diet

Many people know that the Mediterranean diet is good for health. But besides the true information, there are many myths about it.

Myth 1: eating Mediterranean food is expensive

In fact, adhering to the nutritional principles of the Mediterranean diet is actually not as expensive as some people think. Moreover, this diet was originally a food group from the diet of the Italian poor. For modern people, to make their diet closer to the Mediterranean diet, it is enough to include in the menu, for example, dishes from beans or lentils, which will serve as a source of vegetable protein, and also focus on vegetables and whole grains. Therefore, this product is much cheaper than most unhealthy products, but is very popular with us.

Myth 2: red wine is healthy in any quantity.

In fact, only moderate consumption of red wine is beneficial. And what it means "simple", experts have long determined. For women, this is one glass of wine a day, for men - a maximum of two. Only without exceeding these norms, one can rely on the beneficial effects of red wine on the body, especially on the cardiovascular system.

Myth 3: a large amount of spaghetti and a lot of bread is Mediterranean food.

In fact, it is very difficult to find Italians who eat a lot of pasta. A serving of traditional spaghetti or other pasta is 55-60 g, and a serving of 80 g of pasta is already considered very large. The amount of pasta on this plate will take up little space. True adherents of the Mediterranean diet will consume most of the dishes with fresh vegetables, salads, fish or dietary meat.

They also rarely eat more than one slice of bread, and they also choose whole grain products.

Myth 4: The Mediterranean diet is just a large number of foods.

physical activity combined with the Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean people take food choices seriously. They carefully thought out the menu for a week. And a small number of them will eat ready meals in a hurry or in front of the TV. For Mediterranean people, food is an important part of life. But not the most important. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet involves not only the use of a specific food list, but also the preservation of a special way of life, the importance of which is high physical activity.

Myth 5: All vegetable oils are just as good.

Vegetable fats are in many ways healthier than animal fats. But in this category there are products that are much less useful. The Mediterranean diet is best done with extra virgin olive oil or cold peanut oil. Both products contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known for their various health benefits. It is best to add olive oil to the salad and do not overheat. And for frying, it is better to take other types, including peanuts, sunflowers, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed, safflower.

How to make your diet as Mediterranean

You cannot switch to a new power system all of a sudden. This advice does not lose its relevance to the Mediterranean diet. In order for the body to see the transition to a new menu without pain, nutritionists advise to follow a few rules.

Eat more vegetables. Before transferring the body completely to the Mediterranean diet, it is recommended to accustom it gradually to the consumption of vegetables in large quantities. The easiest way is to replace regular snacks with salads. For example, instead of a sandwich during the day, you can make a healthier salad with tomatoes, feta, and a little olive oil.

In addition to salads, it is important to include more vegetable soups in the diet.

Don't miss breakfast. This is one of the most important rules of a healthy diet. The Mediterranean diet requires a proper breakfast. That is, the first meal should consist of foods rich in fiber. The best choices are fruits and grains. By the way, if your breakfast consists of a cup of coffee and a sandwich, it is better to use whole wheat bread.

Seafood twice a week. And this is one of the favorite tips of all cardiologists. After all, sea fish and shellfish contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy heart and blood vessel function. Tuna, salmon, herring, sardines or cod - the type of fish is not so important, the main thing is that it is seafood. In addition to him, it is good to pamper the body with shells, which also contain a large number of useful components.

One day vegetarianism. This is another trick to help train your body to eat like a real Mediterranean. Once a week, animal products should be completely excluded from the diet. Instead, eat nuts, whole grains, and lots of vegetables. Once the body is accustomed to this method, you can add a vegetarian day. For red meat, ideally, its consumption should be reduced to 450 g per month, and chicken is allowed around 1 kg in 30 days.

Eat the right fats. The right fats, from the point of view of nutritionists and adherents of the Mediterranean diet, are olive oil, olives, avocados, nuts, seeds. From these foods, the body will get all the fatty acids it needs and avoid harmful saturated fats. The body should get used to olive oil gradually, replacing it with a more common type of vegetable fat.

Don't forget about dairy products. Dairy products contain some nutrients that the body cannot get from other foods. In the Mediterranean diet, as the most useful nutritional system, cheese is not excluded (remember at least French with its amazing blue cheese or Italian with its mozzarella or parmesan), yogurt (the most popular from Greece) and other fermented milk products. But they also cannot be abused. One glass of yogurt or milk and about 30 grams of cheese a day is considered beneficial for health.

And for dessert - fruit. Ice cream, cakes with fatty cream, toast - all this is prohibited. From these unhealthy desserts, the healthy and slender inhabitants of the Mediterranean region choose strawberries, fresh figs, grapes, apples and other foods.

How to make the right menu

Recommended foods for the Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean cuisine is unique because it is very healthy and very tasty. This is a situation when we eat delicious food and at the same time lose weight, strengthen our health, and improve our appearance.

Recommended daily portions of food:

  • vegetables-100 g of leafy vegetables and another 50 g;
  • potatoes - 100 g;
  • beans - 100 g;
  • nuts - 30 g;
  • fruit - 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 orange, 200 g of watermelon or watermelon, 30 g of grapes (your choice);
  • fish (or lean meat) - 60 g;
  • cereals - 50-60 g pasta or rice, 25 g of bread;
  • dairy products - 1 glass of milk or yogurt, 30 g of cheese;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • wine - 125 ml of dry red wine.

Example of a menu for a week in the table

Breakfast A glass of milk, bread with olive oil and a few slices of cheese, an apple
Dinner Arugula salad, radish soup, spinach potatoes, grilled mackerel, fruit
Snacks Slices of whole wheat bread filled with apricot jam
Dinner Omelette with asparagus, medlar
Breakfast Hercules with Greek yogurt and strawberries, mint tea
Dinner Tomato salad, fried chicken, beans with spinach, persimmon jelly
Snacks Pir
Dinner Escalivada, a slice of whole wheat bread with tomatoes, tuna with goat cheese, 2-3 apricots
Breakfast A glass of milk, a few slices of cheese, whole wheat bread, peaches
Dinner Gazpacho, omelet, fruit
Snacks Cottage cheese with walnuts and honey
Dinner Broccoli omelette, zucchini puree, a bunch of grapes
Breakfast 100 ml of orange juice, muesli, a glass of milk or herbal tea
Dinner Couscous, boiled mushrooms with garlic, sardines, baked apples
Snacks Horchata
Dinner Hummus, angler fish with almonds, 2-3 plums
Breakfast Carrot and apple juice, milk pudding
Dinner Garlic soup, pesto gnocchi, fried dorado, endive salad, fruit
Snacks Bread with cheese, a handful of cherries
Dinner Artichoke omelet, pic
Breakfast Slices of whole wheat bread, tomatoes, mozzarella
Dinner Roast lamb, salad, rice, grapefruit
Snacks Fruit salad
Dinner Whole grain bread, cheese with nuts, papaya
Breakfast Muesli, Greek yogurt, apple juice
Dinner Tomato soup, fried salmon with sour cream sauce, salad, rice
Snacks Low fat cheese, a slice of bread
Dinner Lentils with vegetables, mint tea

Canned olives, roasted artichokes, stuffed eggplant, boiled asparagus and fried broccoli, mushroom dishes, hundreds of salads and soups, and many fish and seafood dishes. All this and many other dishes are Mediterranean food. Based on the large list of foods allowed in the diet, it is not difficult to create an original menu for a week or longer. But it is important to consider that your daily meal plan should consist of 4-5 meals.

The Mediterranean diet is not just a group of foods, but a lifestyle, adhering to which you can significantly improve health, get rid of extra pounds and turn into a member of healthy and tasty food. Many celebrities build their nutrition systems based on the Mediterranean diet. They say that gorgeous stars Penelope Cruz, Britney Spears and Cindy Crawford have been taking care of their own health for years with the help of this nutritional system.